Saturday, February 5, 2011

and now the boys

I've learned a bit more about how they manage visiting teams; they stay at the school, and they get fed breakfast in the cafeteria the next morning.  Have I mentioned they post big signs in the gym wishing good luck to each visiting team?  Did that happen in Rhinelander?  Because I don't remember it.

This week the high school boys played here for the first time since I arrived.  Their third game of the evening ended less than an hour ago; it is now approaching one in the morning.  Yes, I'm saying they played until about midnight.

I saw the 5:00 game, in which our Strivers were outscored more than three-to-one in the first half, yet pulled within about ten points during the second half, which I found an impressive show of spirit and actually made for quite an enjoyable game.

Then I worked the concession stand for several hours.  That was insane.

Fortunately, we closed it in time to watch the final game of the night, which was an absolute nail-biter.  My jaw actually hurt from being clenched so hard for so long.  Our team is unexceptional, really, but they truly played their hearts out against a bigger and generally more athletic team.  And lost by one.  It was awesome.

For most of the first half, they trailed by a varying single-digit margin, but once again they came out fierce after half-time and within minutes took what I believe was their first lead of the game.  They were up by four, down by two, up by three, down by four, see-saw all through the third quarter.  Then, to up the ante, through the entire fourth quarter it seemed like nearly every basket resulted in a lead change.  Turnovers, fast breaks, clever passes, fumbling butterfingers, critical three-pointers, blocked shots and brilliant shots, botched plays and beautiful plays.  And in the middle of it all, occasional high-fives between members of opposing teams.  Fantastic.  Enthralling.  Wonderful.

Each team played three games tonight, finishing up about midnight.  A bunch of players had to be chased out of the gym by the vice-principal so she could lock up--they were, what else, hanging out after the game shooting hoops.  Then to bed on the floors of classrooms, or home for the lucky home team.

First game tomorrow morning?  9am.

These people      love      basketball.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story Matt. I love the high fives. That is too sweet.
