Sunday, January 30, 2011

more basketball

Friday night there was basketball here again, this time the elementary team.  A couple of things stood out to me:  one, that the boys and girls play together seamlessly; and two, that even these young kids play with remarkable sportsmanship.

Don't get me wrong, they play very hard!  But there were hardly any fouls because even when rushing like mad to cover someone who was about to take an open shot, these kids rush up with their arms in the air, going for the ball, rather than reaching in or slapping at the opponent's arms or hands.  In two whole games, I think there were four or five fouls total; they play hard, but they play clean--amazing to see in such young players.

They also play very selflessly.  Even the 'star' players seem always to have the team in mind rather than any personal glory, foregoing an outside shot to send a pass in closer to the basket, whether the player there is a girl or a boy, a good shooter or a poor one.  I haven't seen a single ball hog here.

Now, the passing is not what you'd call 'crisp.'  These games were about as sloppy as you'd expect for the age group, but the fact that there is a passing game at all is amazing to me.  And I never once heard anyone jeering a teammate for a bad pass or a missed shot; I never noticed them showing any preference for gender or individual, they just pass to who's open.  The same holds true at the other end of the court; they play hard, clean defense, regardless of who they're defending.  

Competitive sports can be terribly hierarchical and divisive, but basketball here, at least in this age group, somehow seems to be incredibly egalitarian.   

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